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Is jewelmagus still a worthwhile way of making money?

By takshi#7080 - FORMER SUBSCRIBER - July 13, 2013, 17:14:14
I've heard of stories where people try maging items (like the AP MP gelanos) but only ending up with 20kk profit, or losing millions of kamas. Is it worth it? How would I be able to get substantial profit?
I'm sorry for the noobiness of question! In my years playing dofus, I never once tried maging.
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and its for the very reason i never got myself into serious exomaging. some people dont mind but the rate at which a success on expensive exomage is like the rate of jackpot at a casino, i hate that place. i honestly believe i can save the money and make do with what i have than tossing them away at luck even if the potential profit is huge. luck...paah! i dont believe in luck.

i play just 1 character, and it took me years to level my tailor, jeweller, and shoemaker now all 100 including their magus. i once thought these awesome harder professions (compared to farmer/baker/alchemist) would one day reap in lots and lots of fat cash if i just persevere. then from experience and what i heard some "wisemen" once said, "professions are there for you to save money not earn money. " I thought he was quite true, since ever since i got my trio professions maxed out, all the hats, capes, amulets, rings, shoes, and belts i wear or want to wear i make them myself. the resources needed are often cheaper altogether than buying the actual item on the market made by someone else and some resources can be self-farmed.

i guess its different if you run your own team of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 characters you could just gather the resources you need all by yourself and professions can become a cash maker if you keep working at making and maging then selling.

i know a lot of people say you need money to make money, i guess thats the source of my problem. I run alone with maxed out professions that usually only someone in a team would have use for, and im broken all the time. I never learned the trades and been always financially difficult since my first day. even with fortunes door open in front of me now (all my maxed out professions) i just dont know how to walk through it. I guess after all the pain i went through to level my professions, i am no longer interested in getting more pain of working with them.

sorry if my post doesn't actually answer your thread but i thought its the only place right to post and i just wanted to write it down.
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Score : 209
if you honestly tried you'd find you have a vast empire ready to be built.
Step one: buy bad equip from market
Step two: overmage
Step three:resell for profit

If you want to exomage things and you arent sitting on a throne id say wait till you have kamas to lose.
with this simple step process you can get rich.and if you think hard enough you can even expand it...
Farm/buy resources
Make item
Mage item
Sell item

BAM now just go learn what a kama is worth.

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