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check it

By vladilmago#8267 July 17, 2006, 22:00:14
are the delevopers waiting the double exp to end to solve server problem?
because for the first time i've been kicked for 5 times consecutively from a fight...
that means 5 times phantom and 5 eniripsa, this let the ammount of eniripsa powder go over 30+, i hope in a payback for this holy shit...
i know there are a lot of topic like this but since they are ignored i hope that when they will see a topic for each player will do something...

i'd like to say that i didn't like the double exp because high lvl player are a lot advantaged, seen ppl doing 1 mil exp in a fight, not compared with a lvl 20 doing 10k instead of 5k, but now it is here and i want to use it...
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Reactions 7
Score : 1626
Check it right foot blue
left hand green
left right yellow blue red Twister!!!
Yeah everybodys chilling with the twister..Yeah twister.
Yeah everybody ought be chilling with the twister....
yeah twister yeah twister
from MB!
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Score : 3693
6 times!!!!!!!!!!! 6timessssssss consecutively, damn it, this make any pplz lose patience...
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Score : 3693
7 funny, really funny, i cannot stay in for 2 minutes consecutively!
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Score : 245
That is kind of a silly question. Of course a lot of us are frustrated (just read the forums). Just some of us try to deal with, some of us whine like little kids, and some of us have major temper-tantrums. smile And most of it doesn't really help things. smile
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Score : 3693
ok, see u next week, i hope this will be really compensate, i want back money and time of subscription as minimum...bye
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Score : 3693
i'm paying money to stay hours in front of a screen for nothing, and not only doing nothing but doing something i hate, this makes me frustrated, this is acting like the film "terapia d'urto" (in italian), this make me crazy and the first guy come saying to be quiet that is all normal, just have to relax and enjoy whatching the screen to not act like a child... just to know, not only child gets frustrated and angry...
0 0
Score : 9770
Duplicate thread #902891

Closed. Please comment on threads that already exist.

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